Your crypto journey starts here

Build crypto portfolios or copy the best traders. Nested brings the best of decentralized finance in one place.

Already 30,000+ portfolios

Browse through users' portfolios in the explorer and copy those that inspire you.

Portfolio management made simple

No need to be an expert anymore. Copy other traders, learn from them, and grow as a part of the Nested community.
Create portfoliosSet a budget, select cryptos, and allocate your resources as you see fit. Create your very own trackable crypto portfolio. Have it replicated in a matter of seconds.

A new social trading experience

Join the largest crypto community, learn from other investors or show them how to build the best performing strategy.
Copy portfoliosSet a budget and copy other users’ portfolios. You're only one step away from your very first crypto investment.

Earn Royalties

Earn rewards when you are copied and during the entire portfolio's journey.

In DeFi we trust!

Enjoy the full potential of decentralized finance in a secure environment
A non-custodial platformRemain the sole owner of your funds – no one can freeze or seize them.View our FAQ
Your money, your choiceYour investment is your responsibility and yours only – you decide.View our FAQ
Multiple security auditsNested smart contracts are systematically audited by the best security experts in the industry.View security audits
Cover your cryptosYour funds are covered by Nexus Mutual insurance.Discover Nexus Mutual

Backed by the best

Nested is backed by famous venture capital firms and leading angels investors in web3.

Join thousands of crypto investors

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The power of knowledge

What do I need to do to connect?
If you read this text, you have everything needed to start using Nested: an internet connection and a computer/phone. You can either link your email address/phone number/social networks or connect with your existing web3 wallet - Metamask, Coinbase Wallet, etc. Do not share your secret passphrase or private key of your web3 wallet with anyone, as you could permanently lose your funds.
Can I buy crypto with fiat currencies ($, €, £, etc.) on Nested?
Yes. You can instantly buy cryptocurrencies by card or bank transfer.
What cryptocurrencies are available on Nested?
You can trade more than 1500 cryptocurrencies on Nested. We support all cryptocurrencies available on integrated networks: Ethereum, Optimism, BNB Chain, Avalanche, Polygon and Arbitrum.
Can I start trading with just $1?
We allow users to improve their practical experience through a variety of trading and financial products for as low as $1.
How much fee does Nested charge?
We are one of the platforms charging the lowest amount of fee on the market. Nested applies a 0.3% fee on basic portfolio operations and 0.8% on withdrawals. For example, if you deposit funds on Nested, you will pay a 0.3% fee on this operation, while you will pay a 0.8% fee on a withdrawal.
Where are my funds stored?
Your funds are stored on-chain. Neither Nested nor another party can access your funds. You are the only person who can access them. Imagine a digital safe where you and only you own the key. Nested insures users’ funds up to $5M in total on Nexus Mutual.
What do we mean by “Your money, your choice”?
You own your funds, and you sign every operation you make. Neither Nested nor another user can do it for you. This is web3's spirit: you always are responsible for your choice and the owner of your funds.

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